Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about 2009 Transportation Bill

A Make-or-Break Week for Transportation Begins on the Hill

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After weeks of uncertainty and tension, the congressional impasse over long-term transportation funding is headed for resolution this week — but the reprieve may be temporary. A decisive week lies ahead for House transport chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN). (Photo: Capitol Chatter) When we last left House transportation committee chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN), he was calling […]

Advocating for a Transpo Bill That Keeps Transit Riders Moving

Large cities continue to grapple with big gaps in their transit budgets. Graphic: Transit Riders for Public Transportation. Advocates in cities across the country are mobilizing today to support increased federal funding for transit service. Transit Riders for Public Transportation (TRPT), a national coalition focused on bringing "environmental justice and civil rights priorities to the […]

Understanding Washington’s Metro Crash

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The scene of the June 22 Washington D.C. Metro crash. Photo: AP The House of Representatives subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia convened yesterday afternoon to hear testimony related to the tragic Washington Metro accident of June 22. The proceedings got off to an appropriately somber start, as California […]