Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about 2009 Transportation Bill

Oberstar Stands Firm on Transportation Bill, Gets Industry Backup

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In case any doubts remained about his willingness to challenge the White House and the Senate on prompt passage of a long-term infrastructure bill, House transportation committee chairman Jim Oberstar’s (D-MN) op-ed in the Politico Monday should clear them up: House transport committee chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN). Photo: Capitol Chatter Unfortunately, the administration and some […]

Transport Construction Industry Mobilizes for Oberstar’s Bill

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Acrimonious opposition to health care reform has become the biggest political story of an otherwise sleepy August, but that doesn’t mean lobbying on the House’s transportation bill has evaporated. (Image: ARTBA) The American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), which represents major construction companies, released a bulletin to members today urging them to connect with […]