Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Talking Headways Podcast


Talking Headways Podcast: High-Speed Rail Lessons from France and Germany

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This week we’re joined by Eric Eidlin, a community planner and sustainability lead at the Federal Transit Administration. Over the last few years Eric has also been studying high-speed rail in Germany and France as a fellow with the German Marshall Fund. He recently published a report, “Making the Most of High-Speed Rail in California: Lessons from France and Germany.” Eric […]

Talking Headways Podcast: Building Relationships to Build a Better City

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This week’s guest is Janne Flisrand, an independent consultant and writer at In her work as a “network weaver,” Janne thinks about how to elevate different voices and make sure everyone in a movement has a place to share their expertise and opinions. In this episode we talk about the importance of relationships in cities — between neighbors and between […]

Talking Headways Podcast: Metro Areas — True Laboratories of Democracy

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This week I’m joined by Bruce Katz, vice president of the Brookings Institution and founder of its Metropolitan Policy Program. We chat about devolution in Great Britain –the idea of moving power away from national bureaucracies and towards metropolitan governance — and the power of metropolitan areas around the world. There is much that America could learn from […]

Talking Headways Podcast: A Positive Vibe For Chicago TOD

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On this week’s podcast, Yonah Freemark of the Metropolitan Planning Council (you may know him from The Transport Politic) shares the scoop on transit-oriented development in Chicago. In a recent post, Yonah writes that in order to break the pattern of slow growth but ever-increasing demand, more development should happen near Chicago’s extensive transit system. We talk about why […]

Talking Headways Podcast: The Missing Middle

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This week on the podcast, Dan Parolek of Opticos Design talks about their new website, which explores housing types between high- or mid-rise buildings and single-family homes that cities don’t make much anymore. We get into Austin’s development code, Cincinnati’s walkable neighborhoods, and how people are often worried by the phrase “density,” then surprised by density designed well. Why are developers and bankers […]