Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Election 2013

Election Results Open Thread

The polls closed a few minutes ago, and the Times is reporting exit poll results in the Democratic mayoral primary that closely track the polls we’ve been seeing the past few weeks. Bill de Blasio is flirting with the 40 percent threshold to avoid a run-off. If de Blasio doesn’t clear 40 percent, Bill Thompson […]

Bill Thompson Rents Ads-by-Bicycle to Woo Borough Park Voters

Here’s an ironic twist for the mayoral candidate who all but ignored bicycling and walking in his transportation platform: Bill Thompson has rented mobile advertisements-by-bike, with yellow-vested, red-helmeted riders pedaling around Borough Park with Yiddish-language advertisements for his campaign. Despite Thompson’s anemic transportation policy, it’s a step up from the last time around. In 2009, he made […]

Primary Day Open Thread

Today is NYC’s most momentous day of voting in 12 years. When the results come in later tonight, the sprawling mayoral field will be narrowed to a handful of contenders, and we’ll have a very clear picture of the next City Council. We’ll know with near certainty who will be the next comptroller, and the […]

Still Undecided? Here’s Even More Transpo Info on the Mayoral Candidates

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In case Streetsblog’s guide to the mayoral candidates wasn’t exhaustive enough for you, here’s a truly epic compendium of where they all stand on transportation issues: CUNY’s University Transportation Research Center has put out a 145-page white paper [PDF] covering what the Democratic and Republican candidates have said about everything from the taxi of tomorrow and […]

Streetsblog’s Guide to the Democratic Mayoral Candidates

The September 10 primary is just a few days away, and over the course of this grueling campaign the candidates have had plenty of time to lay out their vision for New York City’s streets. Transportation Alternatives and StreetsPAC both put together detailed candidate surveys and compiled responses from the leading Democratic candidates. For Streetsblog’s guide to the Democratic mayoral […]