Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Cartoon Tuesday

Cartoon Tuesday: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back?

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Hat tip to David Alpert for this Tom Toles toon, which nails the disconnect between the brave green world we’re supposedly entering and the dramatic cutbacks plaguing transit systems across the country. Click through for the punchline (I kind of gave it away already). Toles’ transit system, the DC Metro, is on the verge of […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Racing Down a Road to Nowhere?

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I’m guessing the speeding metaphor in this cartoon from Gary Varvel of the Indianapolis Star (click through for Pelosi’s quote) is not intended to critique spending stimulus dollars on highway expansion. But if you stick House Appropriations Chair David Obey in the driver’s seat, it makes for a rather pointed comment on the reckless approach […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Priority

Click through for the conclusion to this week’s toon, which comes to us from Rick Smith of Shaker Heights, Ohio. Smith’s strip, Yehuda Moon, is a serialized saga with daily entries going back to January. I’m still making my way through the storyline, but having biked the greenways of Lorain County, I had a soft […]