Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Cartoon Tuesday

Cartoon Thursday: Traffic Sham

This November ‘toon from Ward Sutton, who skewers conventional editorial cartooning for The Onion, hits all the notes — the myth of cyclist privilege, the disparity between the amount of space allotted to cars vs. other modes, and the waste and helplessness that comes with sitting in traffic. The coup de grâce of Sutton’s “Kelly” […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Little Green Man and the Lizard Squeezins

Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to see things clearly. So what would an extra-terrestrial think of humankind’s dependence on fossil fuels? In light of the devastation being unleashed off the shores of the Gulf states, cartoonist and recent Pulitzer recipient Mark Fiore files this brilliant summation of the absurdly self-destructive lengths we earthlings go […]