Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Richard Brodsky

The Brodsky Alternative, Take Two: $6.50 to Enter a Cab

His license plate rationing scheme beloved by none, this afternoon Assemblyman Richard Brodsky offered his second congestion pricing alternative: raising the $2.50 taxi "drop charge" to $6.50, increasing fines for illegal parking and blocking the box, and further cutting the number of parking placards issued to government employees. Brodsky says the taxi fare hike alone […]


You’ve got to hand it to Westchester Assemblyman Richard Brodsky. His anti-congestion pricing shtick is so finely honed it almost reads like haiku poetry. Here’s a bit of verse I derived from a recent Q&A in a newspaper that covers important New York state political issues like, who is Albany’s most eligible bachelorette? In the […]

Has Richard Brodsky Ever Paid a Subway Fare?

Television news legend Gabe Pressman hosted a debate on congestion pricing between Westchester Assemblyman Richard Brodsky and Partnership for New York City President Kathy Wylde on Friday. The transcript is online at WNBC and it’s worth a read if you want to see Wylde catch Brodsky in a couple of small but significant mistruths and […]

Commission Approves Pricing. Next Stop: City Council

After five months of work and something like 14 public hearings, the Congestion Mitigation Commission has finally made its recommendation. Here’s how the voting went down at this afternoon’s meeting: 13 yes votes.2 no votes: Richard Brodsky and Denny Farrell1 abstention: Richard Bivone1 absent: Vivan Cook Next stop on the timeline, March 28: The City […]