Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Ray LaHood


It’s Official: LaHood Is Out

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After a few false alarms, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has finally come out and said it: He’s leaving the administration. In a letter sent to U.S. DOT staff and contractors this morning, he listed the accomplishments of the last four years: We have put safety front and center with the Distracted Driving Initiative and a rule […]

At NACTO Conference, LaHood Delivers Straight Talk on MAP-21

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After a rousing opening speech from NYC Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood took the stage at the “Designing Cities” conference of the National Association of City Transportation Officials yesterday. Streetsblog stringer Dani Simons was there and briefed us on the highlights. LaHood said: We’ve made amazing progress in cities in the past […]