Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Neal Peirce

2008: Year of the Bicycle?

Ahead of this week’s National Bike Summit in Washington, DC, syndicated columnist Neal Peirce wonders if 2008 will be "bicycling’s best year since the start of the auto age." He writes about developments promoting the bicycle as a legitimate form of transportation around the world, many of which have been featured right here on Streetsblog: […]

What Is “Mode-Neutral” Funding?

Different modes could be funded from the same pot, with allocations based on performance measures. The beginning of 2008 has seen a flurry of debate — at least in wonkish circles — over federal transportation spending. In January, the bi-partisan Surface Transportation Commission released a report two years in the making, "Transportation for Tomorrow," which […]

“Vision Zero”: Not One More Traffic Death

Airline safety has improved dramatically in the last 10 years, after two 1996 crashes killed 375 people. “This is the golden age of safety, the safest period, in the safest mode, in the history of the world.” That’s Marion C. Blakey, former administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, speaking last month just before the end […]

World Cities Adding One Million People Every Week

Syndicated columnist Neal Peirce asks whether our planet will be able to absorb the population "mega-surge" currently underway in Africa, Asia and Latin America. From Common Dreams: The problem is that the global population base has increased so radically that even seemingly modest birthrates can have momentous consequences. Joel Cohen (head of the Laboratory of […]