Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg: Citi Bike Software Not Ready for Prime Time Yet

The hold-up with NYC’s bike-share launch is technical, not political. Mayor Bloomberg revealed this afternoon that Citi Bike is behind schedule because of kinks in the system’s software that are still being worked out. The Public Bike System Company, which produces the kiosks and bikes for NYC’s system, recently switched software providers, claiming that its former […]

Bloomberg and Sadik-Khan Announce New 20 MPH Slow Zones

Mayor Bloomberg and NYC DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan today announced an expansion of the city’s Slow Zone program, which lowers speed limits in selected areas from 30 to 20 mph and implements low-cost traffic-calming measures like speed humps. Bloomberg and Sadik-Khan were joined in Corona by NYPD Chief of Transportation Bureau James Tuller, City Council […]