Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

August 1 Congestion Pricing Deadline Has Been Met

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This morning, I asked whether Mayor Bloomberg had met the August 1 deadline to submit his congestion pricing plan to the 17-member commission that is supposed to come together to evaluate "traffic mitigation" proposals for New York City. Here’s the quick answer, from City Hall spokesman John Gallagher: The Mayor has submitted the plan, which […]

Mayor Bloomberg’s Morning Commute

The New York Times metro desk has been staking out "MetroCard" Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s morning commute for the past five weeks. At first, reporter Michael Grynbaum and his colleagues Cassi Feldman and Cristina Maldonado thought they had a big scoop, according to a reporter’s diary on City Room: We would be following the mayor’s morning […]

Congestion Pricing: What’s the Deal?

Nobody knows whether the convoluted and difficult congestion pricing "deal" reached by political leaders yesterday will actually result in anything. The deal is complex even by Albany standards. A few things, however, are clear: Mayor Bloomberg does not have a "green light" to move forward with congestion pricing, nor has he been granted any new […]

Congestion Pricing: Here’s the Deal

Below is a summary of the congestion pricing deal struck this afternoon by Governor Spitzer, Mayor Bloomberg, Assembly Speaker Silver and Senate Leader Bruno. The 17 member congestion pricing commission is made up as follows: 3 appointees — Mayor 3 appointees — Governor 3 appointees — City Council 3 appointees — State Senate majority leader […]

Some Sort of Congestion Pricing Deal is Done

According to NY1, Governor Spitzer just announced "that the state has given the city the green light to proceed with the plan, but he stressed that no agreement has been reached on tolls." NY1 reports, "The agreement creates a commission of representatives from the mayor’s office and the governor’s office, City Council members, and State […]