Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

As Bloomberg Touts Traffic Safety, Ray Kelly Says “Accidents” Happen

In a moment that crystallized the schizophrenic traffic safety policies of the Bloomberg administration, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly revealed completely different philosophies concerning New York City’s streets while speaking at two different conferences this morning. Bloomberg, at the International Downtown Association annual meeting, spoke about the safety gains, economic benefits, and […]

Don’t Ask Seth Pinsky About NYCEDC Parking Development

“The worst thing we could do is create projects that create a parking need and then not provide that parking.” That was Seth Pinsky, former head of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, in 2010. True to that philosophy, during his tenure NYCEDC incentivized and financed suburban-style parking in development projects in neighborhoods across the city, […]

NYC’s Top Parking Subsidizer, Seth Pinsky, Moves On

Seth Pinsky, whose legacy as head of the New York City Economic Development Corporation will be years of parking-induced traffic in city neighborhoods, with taxpayers footing the bill, is headed to the private sector. The news came this morning, via announcements from City Hall and RXR Realty, which hired Pinsky. During Pinsky’s five-year tenure, NYCEDC incentivized […]