Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

Is the Mayor Reading Streetsblog on His Bloomberg Terminal?

Cities won’t wait for national governments to solve their pressing problems, argues Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City in this week’s Economist: In developing the climate-change strategies that underpin PlanNYC, we drew on the experiences of Berlin for our renewable-energy and green-roof policies; Hong Kong, Shanghai and Delhi for our innovative transit improvements; […]

Congestion Panel Meets Amidst Q Poll Parsing

The third meeting of the 17-member Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission will be held at 2:00 this afternoon at the offices of Hughes Hubbard and Reed, 1 Battery Park Plaza (24 State St. @ Pearl St.), 10th Floor, in Manhattan. Today’s event comes on the heels of a new Quinnipiac Poll, released yesterday, that shows support […]

When in Rome, Share Bikes

The competition is heating up between Eurpoean cities seeking to build the best bicycling infrastructure. As we noted this morning, Amsterdam is mimicking Copenhagen‘s "green wave" for cyclists. And now Rome is bringing a Paris-style bike sharing project to the Italian capital by 2008. Modeled after the Parisian Vélib program, users will ride free for […]