Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

MTA Cheered and Jeered, But Mostly Jeered

Reactions were mixed to yesterday’s MTA fare hike approval. That is to say — with the exception of the New York Post — there was enough criticism to go around as to generally avoid repetition. The Daily News, which has pounded the transit agency with its "Halt the Hike" series ("Even as the MTA is […]

Highlights of Monday’s Traffic Commission Meeting

Westchester Assemblyman Richard Brodsky’s claim that congestion pricing "smacks the middle class" was not challenged by reporters after Monday’s meeting despite a recent IBO report that says otherwise. Brodsky said a carbon tax would be fairer and praised Mayor Bloomberg for suggesting it. Department of Transportation Deputy Commissioner Bruce Schaller has clearly been busy. At […]

Rocky Road

Cycling intimately acquaints you with every bump, slice, crease, divot, ledge, ripple and of course pothole in a street, because not noticing means you might get thrown off your steed into bone-breaking and life ending car traffic. While riding along Lafayette Street in Manhattan, or Bergen Street in Brooklyn, or essentially anywhere in New York […]