Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

City Numbers Show Highest Cyclist Death Toll in Eight Years

 Traffic fatalities in 2007 were at their lowest level since the city began keeping records almost 100 years ago, according to data released today by the Bloomberg administration. However, while the number of pedestrian fatalities last year dropped sharply percentage-wise from 2006, down to roughly one death every two-and-a-half days, cyclist fatalities were up, and […]

Lew Fidler’s 9 CARAT STONE Plan Lives!

  Move over, Ted Kheel. On the eve of the Congestion Mitigation Commission deadline to sign off on some form of congestion pricing, Lew Fidler tells the Observer he will introduce his own 9 CARAT STONE plan to his colleagues on the City Council tomorrow. The Fidler Tax’n’Tunnel proposal, for those who’ve somehow forgotten, would […]

Kheel Plan Getting Lots of Play, Except Where It Counts

With Michael Bloomberg expressing doubts about an apparently favored proposal to move the congestion pricing boundary south to 60th Street, Newsday columnist Ellis Henican challenged the mayor yesterday to get behind the Kheel free transit plan. [T]his is the giant carrot to accompany Bloomberg’s congestion-pricing stick. Charge $16 instead of $8, the authors suggest – […]

Resolved: More Driving for Teachers, Less for Everyone Else

Another DOE employee not abusing a parking placard, courtesy Uncivil Servants Following United Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten’s "deeply troubling" letter to Mayor Bloomberg earlier this month protesting the city’s directive to reduce parking placard issues by 20 percent, this week UFT chapter leaders and delegates approved a resolution not only demanding an exemption […]