Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

Times Praises Bloomberg’s Broadway Plan

Photo: AntyDiluvian/Flickr The Times has come out in favor of the upcoming Broadway public space reclamation, recognizing the need for safety improvements along one of New York’s most contested thoroughfares. From 1998 to 2007, some 700 pedestrians were injured and five were killed in Midtown Manhattan along Broadway, making it one of the more hazardous […]

Bloomberg Wants Stim Funds for More Bronx Parking

Image via Crain’s Someone in the Bloomberg administration needs to sit the mayor down and explain to him the relationship between parking and driving. Streetsblog has followed Bloomberg’s parking escapades on the West Side of Manhattan and in the South Bronx. Now, the man behind PlaNYC wants federal stimulus funds to finish a new six-story parking […]

Bloomberg to Obama: Stimulus Aid Should Go Directly to Cities

A face-to-face back in April. Photo: Scoop08. Yesterday the President-elect unveiled the broad strokes of his economic recovery plan at a DC press event, and Mayor Bloomberg was there to give his response. Bloomberg’s message is critical for the prospects of green transportation in the upcoming stimulus package. Here’s the abbreviated version via Liz Benjamin […]

City Council Proposes Slashing Funds for Bike Network

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and her city-owned Chevy Suburban. Photo copyright Steven Hirsch. New bike infrastructure in New York City could be on the chopping block as the City Council and Mayor Bloomberg revise spending projections downward. On Sunday, Speaker Christine Quinn and the City Council released $495 million in proposed budget cuts over […]

More on the Ravitch Commission’s MTA Fix

Photo: New York Times Brad hit the major points from today’s Ravitch/Paterson/Bloomberg press conference. Here are some more details on the MTA rescue plan they unveiled. (The whole Ravitch Commission report is available as a PDF.) Bridge tolls would be cashless, using E-ZPass and license plate capture technology, not toll booths. The city would transfer […]