Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Mary Peters

Bush DOT Chief Backs Transport Tech Funding

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Former Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, who served for eight years in George W. Bush’s DOT, sat down with Streetsblog Capitol Hill this week to urge that Congress add a dedicated funding stream of $1 billion each year for transportation technology to the next long-term infrastructure bill. Since leaving office, Peters has transitioned to private consulting […]

Chicago Loses NYC’s Congestion Pricing Money

Will Chicago get a second chance at federal funds for better bus service? Photo: celikins/Flickr Looks like New York legislators aren’t the only ones willing to pass up big money for transportation improvements if it means putting a fair price on private auto use. Back in April, the feds withdrew a $354 million grant to […]

Gasoline Shortages Fuel Panic and Rage in the South

Here’s a disturbing story from the Associated Press on gas shortages in Asheville, North Carolina, where hot-tempered drivers are waiting in long lines to fill up, only to find in some cases that the pumps are tapped. Asks one flustered motorist: "What’s wrong with our government? Why are they letting this happen to us?" Maybe […]

U.S. DOT Launches Official, Horribly-Named “Blog”

Secretary Peters leans on a hog… in the fast lane. On Tuesday, U.S. DOT unveiled "Fast Lane," a blog-type website supposedly authored by Transportation Secretary Mary Peters. Whoever came up with the name, however, didn’t do much to elevate the perception of Peters among transit and bike advocates, with whom she has a mixed record […]