Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Jerrold Nadler

Mica Transportation Bill Would Devastate New York Transit

Rep. John Mica’s proposed transportation bill would take a machete to federal transportation spending, cutting overall transportation funding by a third and entirely eliminating dedicated funds for pedestrian and bike infrastructure. In New York, the effects would be especially dire. Statewide, the total cuts would inch up to 37 percent, according to calculations by the […]

Highlights from Today’s RPA Regional Assembly

The ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria is packed right now for the RPA’s 2009 Regional Assembly, where Richard Ravitch just accepted a lifetime achievement honor. Many luminaries from the worlds of transportation, planning, and politics are here, and I’ve got a few minutes to post some interesting exchanges from earlier in the day, so here […]

Nadler Amendment: The Ayes Have It

The House just passed Jerrold Nadler’s amendment to add $3 billion for transit investment to the stimulus bill. There’s a lot more work coming up very soon — in the Senate and in conference committee — but this was a hard-fought win and everyone who helped push it through should take a minute to pat […]