Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about James Oberstar

Did Team Obama Gut Transit Funds From the Stimulus Package?

Reporting on last week’s stimulus letdown — when a proposal by US Rep. James Oberstar’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for $17 billion in mass transit spending was slashed by the Appropriations Committee, while $30 billion in proposed allocations for roads and bridges remained the same — Grist got word that the then-incoming Obama administration may […]

$2 Billion for Bicycling in Stimulus Package?

Earl Blumenauer. Photo: New York Times The most tantalizing tidbit in today’s Times profile of Earl Blumenauer comes from fellow cycling Congressman James Oberstar: With an eye on the potential stimulus package, cycling advocates "have compiled a list of $2 billion of projects that can be under construction in 90 days," Mr. Oberstar said, adding […]

Sadik-Khan Said to Be Obama Cabinet Contender

Her post-Bloomberg career has been the province of wishful speculation. But a report published today indicates that DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan may be considered for a position in Barack Obama’s Department of Transportation — possibly its top spot.  Conventional wisdom held that front runners for transpo secretary were known progressive brands like Reps. Earl Blumenauer […]

On Election Eve, Reading the Transpo Tea Leaves

Though we found plenty of fodder this election season, transportation policy never emerged as a consistent talking point in the presidential race. This is more than a little surprising, considering the sad state of American infrastructure and the importance of same to this country’s economic and strategic well-being. Then again, what kind of dialogue can […]