Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about James Oberstar

Transport Debate Still Stalled As Oberstar Decries “Lack of Political Will”

Halfway through the extra month that Congress gave itself to resolve a long-simmering dispute over funding the nation’s transportation system, Democratic leaders remain deadlocked over whether — and how long — to wait before debating a broad reform of federal infrastructure policy. The transportation secretary and the president have a stalemate on their hands. Photo: […]

House Voting Today on Transport Law Extension — Or Not?

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(ed. note: This post has been updated to reflect late-breaking news as of Wednesday afternoon.) House transportation committee chairman Jim Oberstar’s (D-MN) plan for a three-month extension of the 2005 federal infrastructure law, appears on track for a vote this afternoon, despite reports that GOP opposition unexpectedly derailed consideration of the bill. House transport committee […]

Oberstar Stands Firm on Transportation Bill, Gets Industry Backup

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In case any doubts remained about his willingness to challenge the White House and the Senate on prompt passage of a long-term infrastructure bill, House transportation committee chairman Jim Oberstar’s (D-MN) op-ed in the Politico Monday should clear them up: House transport committee chairman Jim Oberstar (D-MN). Photo: Capitol Chatter Unfortunately, the administration and some […]