Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Iris Weinshall

Safe Routes to Schools Study Complete

Walking to school is a healthy way for many kids to get their daily dose of exercise. Unfortunately many parents are rightfully concerned about their children’s safety on the city’s streets because of aggressive driver and lack of good pedestrian safety infrastructure. Everyday in front of many city schools you see parents dropping kids off in […]

The Traffic is the Mitigation

mitigate, verb[Latin stem of mitigare, from mitis, mild, gentle]1. Make milder in manner or attitude, make less hostile, mollify.2. Give relief from pain. Lessen the suffering caused by an evil or difficulty.3. Make less oppressive. Make more humane, more bearable. How Orwellian is this? The New York City Department of Transportation’s Holiday Traffic Mitigation Plan went […]

Queensboro Bridge Area Safety Under Scrutiny

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Among the three cyclist fatality clusters identified by the joint report by the City Departments of Health, Police, Parks and Transportation, the Queensboro Bridge is by far the worst. The entrance intersection at 60th and Second also claimed the award for the most unticketed incidents of block the box in the Borough President’s study of lax enforcement of […]

DOT Culture: Stifling Innovation on NYC’s Streets?

Upon re-reading this morning’s Times article on the new pedestrian countdown timers, I think it’s worth taking a closer look at this statement DOT Commissioner Iris Weinshall made at yesterday’s pedestrian countdown press conference. As reported: Mayor Bloomberg has been a fan of the countdown signals, but Iris Weinshall, the city’s transportation commissioner, had some […]

NYC Gets its First Pedestrian Countdown Timer

Yesterday, the Department of Transportation installed New York City’s very first pedestrian countdown timer at the intersection of Coney Island Avenue and Kings Highway in Brooklyn. Gothamist, as usual, does a nice treatment of the story and roundup of the coverage. The thing I found most interesting about yesterday’s news was the fact that Mayor […]

Mr. Inside Track Helps You Understand the MTA

This highly entertaining and informative anecdote is the first contribution from Streetsblog’s new transit tipster, Mr. Inside Track: The New York City Transit Museum is a great place to go to see old trains, buy holiday stocking stuffers and learn the history of the subway system. One thing the museum does really well is document the story […]