Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Ian Dutton

Separated Bike Path Isn’t Gay Enough for CB4

Manhattan Community Board 4’s transportation committee unanimously approved DOT’s plan to install a physically-separated bike path on Eighth Avenue in Lower Manhattan. The committee enthusiastically recommended the plan to the full board on Wednesday. The board then voted to ignore their own committee and block the plan. Apparently, some members feel that complete streets and […]

Peak Rate Parking Proposal Sails Through Preliminary Meeting

Ian Dutton, vice-chair of Manhattan CB2’s transportation committee, tells Streetsblog the idea of piloting a variable-rate parking program in Greenwich Village met with approval at last week’s DOT-sponsored strategy session. The program, which DOT is calling "Peak Rate Parking," would increase meter prices during peak hours, boosting turnover and reducing traffic caused by cars cruising […]