Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about “Gridlock” Sam Schwartz

Panel: NYC Electeds Need to Get Serious About Funding Infrastructure

This morning, the Association for a Better New York, a business group, hosted a discussion on the city’s infrastructure. The focus was squarely on transportation, and the message wasn’t pretty. Panelists warned of dire consequences if elected officials don’t act on the precarious state of transportation funding. Calling himself “the ghost of infrastructure past,” former traffic commissioner […]

This Weekend, NYC’s Traffic Dysfunction Gets Worse

In case you missed it, Crain’s ran a good piece today wherein “Gridlock” Sam Schwartz explained one of the less-publicized effects of the MTA fare and toll hikes slated to take effect this weekend. NYC’s already-dysfunctional road pricing system is about to make even less sense. With tolls on the MTA’s East River crossings going […]