Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Enrique Peñalosa

Streetfilms: Enrique Peñalosa in Boston

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When Boston livable streets advocates invited Enrique Peñalosa to town recently, Streetfilms’ Robin Urban Smith made the trip north to hear what the Colombian urbanist had to say to residents of "The Walking City." Watch here as Peñalosa speaks to a packed house at the Boston Public Library, and see what Bostonians think of their […]

Wiki Wednesday: Urban Bicycling With Children

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Already a prolific contributor to the Streetsblog Flickr pool, BicyclesOnly has recently put together a StreetsWiki guide to "Urban Bicycling With Children." The entry kicks off with a look at some of the less obvious benefits to biking with kids: Bicycling with children initiates so-called "virtuous cycles" that further promote bicycling. Parents who bicycle with their children […]

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About BRT

  The Tri-State Transportation Campaign has a new online "clearinghouse" of information on Bus Rapid Transit. From the Mobilizing the Region blog: The clearinghouse explains what bus rapid transit (BRT) is, how it compares to other modes, how it can be implemented in suburban and urban contexts, and how it can anchor transit-oriented development. The […]