Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Elliot Spitzer

MTA Cheered and Jeered, But Mostly Jeered

Reactions were mixed to yesterday’s MTA fare hike approval. That is to say — with the exception of the New York Post — there was enough criticism to go around as to generally avoid repetition. The Daily News, which has pounded the transit agency with its "Halt the Hike" series ("Even as the MTA is […]

Spitzer Basks in Fare Freeze Afterglow

Liz Benjamin at The Daily Politics has been posting to-the-minute developments surrounding this morning’s fare freeze announcement from Governor Spitzer. Assemblyman Richard Brodsky says the move was a good first step, but that he wants other fare increases — including tolls — delayed as well. “We welcome the governor’s intervention, but there’s been no change […]

Spitzer Calls on MTA to Retain $2 Base Fare

Governor Eliot Spitzer has "directed" the MTA to keep the base fare for subway and bus rides at $2. City Room reports, however, that Spitzer held out the possibility for increases in unlimited ride card rates at a press conference held this morning. Mr. Spitzer said it was possible to keep the base fare at […]