Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Elliot “Lee” Sander

Congestion Panel to Recommend Abbreviated Pricing Plan

Today’s the day. The Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission is expected to sign off on a condensed version of the Bloomberg administration’s original pricing proposal today, one with a northern boundary of 60th Street (rather than 86th) and no charges for trips that begin within Manhattan’s Central Business District. Higher parking rates and a taxi surcharge […]

MTA Cheered and Jeered, But Mostly Jeered

Reactions were mixed to yesterday’s MTA fare hike approval. That is to say — with the exception of the New York Post — there was enough criticism to go around as to generally avoid repetition. The Daily News, which has pounded the transit agency with its "Halt the Hike" series ("Even as the MTA is […]

MTA Chief Lee Sander Gets Megamodal

The Fall 2007 issue of the NYU Rudin Center’s New York Transportation Journal is out and for anyone looking to delve into some wonkish, big picture, regional transportation policy issues, it’s worth a download. This quarter’s Journal has stories on the benefits of regular "programmed" fare increases, Seoul, South Korea’s successful bus rapid transit system […]

Spitzer Calls on MTA to Retain $2 Base Fare

Governor Eliot Spitzer has "directed" the MTA to keep the base fare for subway and bus rides at $2. City Room reports, however, that Spitzer held out the possibility for increases in unlimited ride card rates at a press conference held this morning. Mr. Spitzer said it was possible to keep the base fare at […]