Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Deborah Glick

One More Chance to Support Pricing: Call Your Reps Today!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Congestion pricing is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enact progressive transportation policy for New York City. With the midnight deadline to receive $354 million in federal aid approaching in a matter of hours, now is the last chance to call your representatives in Albany to express your […]

Glick Worried Pricing Will Make Air Quality Worse

Reader Sarah Ferguson reports that Assembly Member Deborah Glick (right), who represents Lower Manhattan, has come up with a novel twist on Richard Brodsky’s call for further environmental review of congestion pricing. Read on for the full story, and keep making those phone calls. We want to know what else legislators are telling their constituents […]

Assembly Member Deborah Glick: Angry Fence-Sitter

New Jersey traffic headed toward Chelsea Tuesday evening Constituents of Lower Manhattan Assembly Member Deborah Glick have a lot to gain from congestion pricing, but they should not assume their representative will vote for the plan once (or if) it reaches Albany. Meeting with a group of advocates who traveled from the city yesterday, Glick […]