Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about David Yassky

Eyes on the Street: Bike to Work Day NYC

Council Member David Yassky, DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan and TA’s Paul Steely White Here are some early pics from this morning’s Bike to Work festivities, courtesy of Transportation Alternatives. Don’t forget to tag your own shots for our Flickr pool, and stay tuned for Streetfilms coverage.  TA treats cyclists to a complimentary breakfast

Bike-Friendly Zoning Amendment Clears City Council

Photo: Department of City Planning [PDF]. Yesterday the City Council approved a zoning change that mandates secure bike parking in new construction, putting the rule into effect. The amendment will help cyclists avoid the risks of locking up on-street by requiring new apartment buildings and offices to provide space for people to put their rides. […]

…Unless You Bike to Work on Kent Avenue

First things first. David Yassky’s status update beats what we’ve seen from Marty Markowitz, hands down. And if anyone in the City Council can credibly claim the mantle of bike advocate, it’s Yassky: a steady voice in support of a car-free Prospect Park and forceful proponent of the Bikes in Buildings Bill. But this gesture […]

Council Members Revive Bikes in Buildings Bill

The gathering threat. The Bikes in Buildings Bill is back on the table. Yesterday City Council member David Yassky re-introduced the legislation, co-sponsored by Council member Gale Brewer, and a transportation committee hearing is scheduled for December 8. The new bill, Intro 871, stipulates that building managers and landlords must allow tenants to bring bikes […]