Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about David Yassky

Can Cab-Sharing Reduce Traffic on NYC Streets?

With Albany lawmakers unwilling to properly fund the MTA, transportation planners are looking to plug the gaps that have opened up in the transit network and expand New Yorkers’ travel options using existing resources. That’s certainly a big part of the thinking behind the Bloomberg Administration’s recent decision to expand private van service where bus […]

On Tuesday Your Vote is Really Going to Count

We’re off today for Yom Kippur but here’s a reminder: Two important citywide elected positions are going to be decided in tomorrow’s Democratic primary election run-off. David Yassky and John Liu are vying to be New York City’s next Comptroller and Bill de Blasio and Mark Green are running for Public Advocate. Since no serious […]

The Comptroller Race: Who Will Stand Up for Transit?

John Liu and David Yassky might be headed for a run-off in the comptroller race. We’ve got two more citywide elections to review on the eve of tomorrow’s primary vote — the contests for comptroller and public advocate. If you’re a little unclear about what these positions do, here’s the short version: The comptroller is […]