Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about David Paterson

Lee Sander Stepping Down

From the MTA press office: Governor Paterson today accepted the resignation of MTA Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Elliot G. Sander. Mr. Sander offered his resignation to the Governor earlier this year in anticipation of yesterday’s passage of legislation that joins the Chairman and CEO positions at the MTA. Mr. Sander’s resignation is effective May 22, […]

Paterson Abandons Long-Term MTA Financing Effort

We’re getting dangerously close to transit Armageddon. Seeking a quick resolution to the MTA funding crisis, Governor Paterson lobbied over the weekend to get a Band-aid fix through the State Senate. The problem is, Paterson’s plan provides no resolution at all. Fundamental details of the proposal are still sketchy, even as the governor pushes for […]

Don’t Keep Transit Riders in the Dark, Governor

MTA CEO Lee Sander, MTA Board Chair Dale Hemmerdinger, and Governor Paterson at a March press conference. Heading into the weekend, Governor Paterson is still keeping a tight lid on exactly how he plans to handle the MTA’s huge funding shortfall. Lately, Paterson has taken to joking about this crisis by saying that "light bends […]

Albany and City Hall Slouch Toward MTA Endgame

Let’s recap the last week of the MTA funding saga. On Monday, Malcolm Smith and the Senate Democrats introduced a "conversation starter" bill that had already been lambasted as insufficient and backwards. On Tuesday, the MTA finance committee announced that revenues from taxes and fares have plummeted deeper than expected, turning the $1.2 billion doomsday […]