Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about David Paterson

Paterson Signs Smart Growth Act; Now Comes the Hard Part

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Governor David Paterson announced Tuesday that he had signed Assembly Member Sam Hoyt’s Smart Growth Infrastructure Public Policy Act, making it the law of the land that all state infrastructure spending must comply with a set of smart growth principles, including fostering compact, mixed-use development and reducing dependence on the automobile. Paterson’s approval has been […]

Hayley and Diego’s Law Might Be Enacted By Friday

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer at a rally for Hayley and Diego’s Law last month. Photo: Noah Kazis The only thing that can prevent the adoption of New York state’s first "vulnerable users law" is Governor Paterson’s veto pen. Hayley and Diego’s Law, named in memory of two pre-schoolers killed by a van left idling […]

Bus Cams on the Table in Gov’s Budget

If New York were allowed to install bus lane enforcement cams, bus riders wouldn’t be slowed so much by illegally parked delivery trucks. Tucked into an otherwise bleak state budget, there’s one piece of good news for transit riders. One of Governor Paterson’s amendments to the state budget would authorize New York City to keep […]