Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Clarence Eckerson

Streetfilm: Grading Your Bike Locks, Part II

Here’s some levity for a dreary Monday — and an appropriate way to kick off bike month. Following up on a video from 2003, Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson recently took to the streets with bike mechanic Hal Ruzal of Bicycle Habitat, checking up on how effective city cyclists are in securing their rigs. Writes Clarence: As […]

Another Sign of Progress for Brooklyn Greenway

During an epic bike tour of the city yesterday that stretched from the Bronx to Brooklyn, StreetFilms’ Clarence Eckerson, Jr. took these shots of the future site of Brooklyn Bridge Park. The Brooklyn Greenway, which received a vote of confidence from Community Board 1 on Tuesday, will run through the park along the edge of […]

StreetFilm: Traffic Calming Done Right in Melbourne

Clarence Eckerson files this report (and StreetFilm) from Melbourne, Australia: This city really is wonderful. Art, happiness, liveliness, and good walking everywhere (between daily runs and walking I am averaging about 10 miles per day). The incredible thing is the TRAFFIC CALMING. Unless you are on a real highway no matter where you go there […]

Temporary Chicanes Calm Mr. Eckerson’s Neighborhood

StreetFilms’ Clarence Eckerson, Jr., shows how the alternate side dance can slow traffic. On alternate side of the street parking days, many communities in Brooklyn have worked out a deal so car owners are allowed to double park without impunity so the streets can get their weekly brushing. (Okay, let’s not touch that argument today.) […]

Lessons from Bogotá, Part III (9:58)

Peter Jackson ain’t got nothing on Clarence Eckerson. Here is the third and final installment of Streetfilms’ Bogotá trilogy based on the New York City Streets Renaissance team’s visit with Gil Peñalosa in Colombia last September. Clarence writes: You’ll find lots of tasty video morsels including: riding some of the great ciclorutas and cycle paths, […]

Streetfilms: Excuses

Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was walking around Manhattan one day last summer feeling what he describes as "a little sympathy for what it must be like to be a ticket writer in this town." He turned on his ever-present video camera and began shooting illegally parked cars and the variety of placards, badges and hand-scrawled notes […]