Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Clarence Eckerson

Williamsburg Walks: Opening Up Bedford Avenue

Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg Brooklyn was de-motorized and opened to the public this Saturday for a new event called Williamsburg Walks. Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there and he’s already churned out a nice three-and-a-half minute video to give you a sense of the event. If you want to check out Williamsburg Walks for yourself, you […]

Streetfilms: Return of Bike Box!

We can’t set this one up any better than Mr. Eckerson himself, so without further ado: At just about any public gathering I go these days, there’s usually at least one person who will come up and give me an enthusiastic "Bike Box!", based upon our earlier, popular Streetfilm. In my heart I hoped there […]

Streetfilms: Portland’s Sunday Parkways

In New York, "Summer Streets" is set to debut this August. In Portland, they just held "Sunday Parkways" for the first time. Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson, in town for the Carfree Cities conference, captured the action and picked up a few pointers for other cities planning to launch car-free events: It was like a giant community […]

Streetfilms: The Glory Days of Car-Free Park Rallies

If you’ve ever wondered how Aaron Naparstek and Clarence Eckerson whiled away the hours before the advent of Streetsblog and Streetfilms, here’s your answer. They donned cheeseheads and Hummer suits while role-playing in support of a car-free Prospect Park. Clarence has been hanging on to this proto-Streetfilm for some time (it was shot in 2002), […]

Streetfilms: The First Tour de Queens

Nearly 500 people braved the mid-90s heat yesterday to take part in the inaugural Tour de Queens, and Steetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there to document the occasion. In addition to discovering the borough’s best bike shop, viewers will see Congressman Anthony Weiner, stalwart defender of car commuters, deliver the following message of support to the […]

Eyes on the Street: A Sign of Respect

Looks like there’s a new preferred bike route from the Brooklyn Bridge to the west side of Manhattan, and DOT’s signs and markings division wants you to know about it. The sign in this shot, snapped by Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson at the foot of the bridge, looks more like what you’d see from behind a […]