Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Carl Kruger

Caption Contest: Re-name This Foursome

Hat tip to Liz Benjamin at the Daily Politics for this snapshot of four state senators who’ve helped concoct a stopgap, toll-less MTA funding plan that does nothing to address the imminent decline of New York’s transit system. Lest they be accused of completely shortchanging the future, they say maintenance and expansion can be taken […]

Gene Russianoff on What’s Next for MTA Rescue

The headlines this morning were sobering for everyone who depends on New York City’s transit system. Half-baked alternatives to the Ravitch plan are popping up left and right as bridge toll opponents dig in their heels, despite the whopping service cuts and fare hikes that loom for their constituents. With Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith […]

MTA Rescue Alert: Tell Electeds What You Oppose

In response to the possible sinking of the MTA rescue plan by three recalcitrant state senators, the Campaign for New York’s Future has set up an action alert enabling members of the public to contact their representatives directly via e-mail. The message, which may be tailored before sending, reads in part: I am very concerned […]