Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Bill Bratton

Alleged Unlicensed Driver Kills Brooklyn Pedestrian While Fleeing Police

@Naparstek @ascottfalk Thanks, we’re on it. — Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) June 23, 2010 An unlicensed driver fleeing police crashed into another vehicle and killed 21-year-old Dave Jones on a Brooklyn sidewalk Monday, raising questions about whether the officers adhered to NYPD policy on vehicular pursuits. Police pulled over 18-year-old Raymond Ramos near Schenectady Avenue […]

Vision Zero Year One: An Early Assessment

New York’s transportation reform and traffic safety movement notched huge wins when mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio adopted Vision Zero as part of his platform in 2013, and again this year when the new mayor put the policy into action within days of taking office. Vision Zero created a policy rubric for the de Blasio […]

Surviving a Walk in NYC Should Not Depend on Luck

The Taxi and Limousine Commission says it doesn’t know anything about a cabbie who drove onto a Midtown sidewalk, hit a pedestrian, and crashed into a building earlier this week. Other than to deflect blame from the driver, NYPD has refused to release information about the crash. It happened Monday morning. From the Post: “He […]