Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about ITDP

Reports of Vélib’s Demise Greatly Exaggerated

A recent BBC story describes the severity of theft and vandalism faced by Vélib, Paris's wildly popular bike-share network, as a mortal threat to the system. So is Vélib destined to burn brightly only to flare out after a short time? Hardly. Vélib is here to stay, according to officials and transportation experts familiar with the details of its operations.

ITDP: New York a World Leader in Sustainable Transport

Photo: Walter Hook, ITDP New York is one of five cities nominated by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy for its 2009 Sustainable Transport Award. Click through to see what measures taken by other nominees — Beijing, Istanbul, Mexico City and Milan — merited ITDP consideration. As for NYC’s breakthrough year, we couldn’t sum […]

How Paris is Beating Traffic Without Congestion Pricing

Biking by the Seine during car-free hours on the Georges Pompidou Expressway. The mayor of a global metropolis, elected to his first term in 2001, set out to reduce driving and promote greener modes of transportation in his city. Congestion pricing turned out to be unfeasible, because influential political forces in the suburbs believed, rightly […]

Paris Wins the ITDP Sustainable Transport Award

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The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy has chosen Paris for its 2008 Sustainable Transportation Award. In a letter from the ITDP Board of Directors to Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, the Institute praises the French capitol’s recent transportation policies, most notably the Vélib project: Under your leadership, Paris has implemented a range of innovative mobility […]

More Bike-Sharing Photos From Paris

Luc Nadal of the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy snapped these photos of Parisians utilizing Velib, their city’s popular new bike-sharing service. As Eric Britton, founder of the Paris-based New Mobility Agenda notes in this video, the first half hour of bike rental is free.