Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Waterfront

The Idea of Rising Sea Levels is Sinking In

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Some light reading from the Christian Science Monitor before tomorrow’s rumored Office of Long-Term Planning & Sustainability conference: The city’s Department of Environmental Protection, which manages the city’s freshwater supply and wastewater — 13,000 miles of pipe, total — formed a task force to look at the long-term effects of climate change. Among other things, the DEP […]

The Bronx is Burning Bicycling

In the aftermath of last weekend’s 5,000 rider Tour de Bronx, I thought it might be worth revisiting the the Department of City Planning’s August 2006 Bronx Harlem River Bicycle and Pedestrian Study. The study identifies a number of specific ways to carve out space for cyclists and pedestrians and help neighborhoods of the South Bronx get better connected to […]