Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Out of Town


GOP Mayor Greg Ballard: Making Bicycling a Priority in Indianapolis

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Across the nation, many big-city mayors of both political parties are embracing bikes and livable streets. As you’ll see, Indianapolis’ Mayor Greg Ballard, a Republican, believes that making city cycling safer and more enjoyable will attract young people and families and benefit business. Ballard has expanded the number of miles of bike lanes from one (in […]

Colorado Authorities Cite Driver for Cyclist Harassment

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Despite the number of two-wheeled cop patrols around some cities, police aren’t always the most bike-minded bunch. When there’s a conflict between motorists and cyclists, they’re often inclined to take the motorist’s side. As Streetsblog has reported, police in New York City care more about drunk pedestrians than unsafe drivers, despite the fact that most fatalities are caused by […]