Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Out of Town

Earl Blumenauer Kicks Off 2008 Bike Summit

Congressman Blumenauer works the room Streetsblog’s Ben Fried files this report from Washington, DC.  The National Bike Summit is in full swing today. There are more than 500 participants from 47 states on hand this year, organizers say, making this bike summit the biggest yet. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), a bike commuter himself, kicked things […]

Union Campaign Calls for Mary Peters’ Ouster

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We didn’t do it. A web site demanding that US Transportation Secretary Mary Peters lose her post — — is a project of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Angry about the Bush administration’s plan to allow trucks from Mexico across the border, the labor org launched the "Fire Mary Peters" campaign last month. Though […]

Young Japanese Just Say No to Cars

Now for some good news: Car culture is on the wane, at least in Japan. The Wall Street Journal reports that car sales in Japan are down 31 percent since the peak in 1990, and not only because of stagnant population growth. The newest generation of would-be buyers, it turns out, just doesn’t think cars […]

StreetFilm: The Street Life of Havana

Ethan Kent of Project for Public Spaces recently returned from a trip to Havana with a trove of pictures, cut together in this Streetfilm by Nick Whitaker. Whatever changes are in store for the country in the wake of Fidel Castro’s departure from power, these images make clear that the dense, flourishing street life of […]