Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Out of Town

Streetfilms: A Look at Bus Rapid Transit in L.A.

Nick Whitaker files this first in a series of Streetfilms on transportation for Streetsblog Los Angeles. Here, we hear from LA City Council Member Wendy Greuel, Director of LA County Regional Transit Planning Rex Gephardt, and Executive Director of the Transit Coalition, Bart Reed, on how the city’s burgeoning Bus Rapid Transit system can be […]

Today the Périphérique. Tomorrow the FDR.

Here’s an idea to file away for PARK(ing) Day 2008. In this video (which starts to pick up after the :45 mark), Paris Deputy Mayor Denis Baupin narrates Operation "Carré Vert" ("Green Square"), an intervention in which activists re-allocate road space on the Périphérique — the highway that encircles the city — in a matter […]

Finally, Parking Meters Where Bikes Belong

Sacramento sends cyclists a clear sign that it’s okay to hitch your bike to a parking meter. The City of Sacramento is converting defunct parking meters into officially sanctioned bike racks, the Sacramento Bee reported last month. After replacing its traditional meters with solar-powered, Muni-style pay stations, the city came up with this nifty purpose […]