Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Lower East Side

Safer Streets Under Fire at Gerson “Town Hall”

It’s safer to cross Grand Street. The arrogance! Lower Manhattan City Council rep Alan Gerson held a "transportation town hall" Monday night, following up on his pledge last year to closely monitor creeping safety enhancements to New York streets. Fellow City Council member John Liu, a candidate for comptroller, also made an appearance at the […]

Cops Ticketing Cyclists on Delancey Side of Willy-B

A reader sends this note about today’s commute: Cops ticketing bikers on Delancey by the Williamsburg Bridge this morning. They claimed it wasn’t us, that they were sent out because of community board complaints about bikers. "The community board made us do it." If that’s the case, then can we also get ramped up enforcement […]

Impromptu Shared Space Calms Soho Intersection

Reader Tim Koelle sends this report of a busted traffic signal gone terribly right at the intersection of West Broadway and Grand yesterday morning: I watched for an hour while cars, trucks and pedestrians shared this space quietly… with civility! Little honking, no aggressive driving, no traffic cop. Why? Because the light was out. No […]