Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Greenwich Village

Meeting Tonight on Beseiged Plan to Calm NYU Campus

  Tonight, Community Board 2’s Transportation and Institutions Committees will hold a joint meeting to hear proposals from NYU to reclaim road space for pedestrians in the campus core area. Details have not been announced, but a tipster tells Streetsblog that possible proposals range from removal of parking spaces to allow for wider sidewalks and […]

Crosstown Bike Lanes Remain in the Crosshairs

Opponents of the Department of Transportation’s plan for a new Lower Manhattan crosstown bike route are expected to make a show of force at tonight’s Community Board 2 Transportation Committee meeting in an effort to preserve a few dozen on-street parking spaces along Carmine and Bleecker Streets. Bicycling advocates are urging their supporters to show […]

555 Hudson Street

Jane Jacobs lived at 555 Hudson Street when she wrote "The Death and Life of Great American Cities." I happened to be in the neighborhood yesterday afternoon and I saw this bouquet of flowers and card on the front door. The card reads, "Jane Jacobs, 1916-2006. From this house, in 1961, a housewife changed the […]