Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Greenwich Village

NYU Bike-Share Rolls Off Campus

NYU bike-share founder Lindsi Seegmiller gives a final check before students begin the program’s inaugural ride. Photo: NYU Photo Bureau. More than two dozen students braved 32-degree cold this Sunday for the launch of NYU’s bike-share program. The ride took them down Second Avenue and over the Manhattan Bridge to see some of Brooklyn’s new […]

Enforcement Lags as Tour Bus Companies Flout Pollution Regs

Comptroller William Thompson and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer want the city to enforce a law mandating that sightseeing buses reduce harmful emissions. Meanwhile, a citizen group called "Tour Buses No — Tourists Yes" also wants the buses off residential streets. In separate letters issued this month to the Department of Environmental Protection, Thompson and […]

Get a Taste of Public Bike-Share This Week

If yesterday’s DOT announcement has whetted your appetite for public bikes, the New York Bike-Share Project has just the thing. From today until Monday, free bikes will be available at four locations in the general vicinity of Greenwich Village. To take one for a spin, participants sign a waiver and give their credit card information. […]

Peak Rate Parking Proposal Sails Through Preliminary Meeting

Ian Dutton, vice-chair of Manhattan CB2’s transportation committee, tells Streetsblog the idea of piloting a variable-rate parking program in Greenwich Village met with approval at last week’s DOT-sponsored strategy session. The program, which DOT is calling "Peak Rate Parking," would increase meter prices during peak hours, boosting turnover and reducing traffic caused by cars cruising […]

Students Launch NYU Bike-Share

The fence at Washington Square Park: a sign of latent demand for bike-share? New York University may be the enemy of many East and West Villagers over its plans to expand, but its students are finding other ways to cut the school’s environmental impacts: A group of undergrads and grads are gearing up for a […]