Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Tappan Zee Bridge

Fend Off the Tappan Zee Death Spiral With a Bridge Diet

Bloomberg reports today that Governor Andrew Cuomo has charged the Thruway Authority with appointing a panel to  “find alternatives, revenue generators and cost reductions that reduce the potential toll increases” on the replacement Tappan Zee Bridge. The Cuomo administration revealed late last week that the superwide, transit-less replacement bridge — estimated to cost $5.2 billion — […]

Cuomo Admin Walks Back Promise of Tappan Zee Bus Lanes

Even the Cuomo administration’s smallest concessions to transit riders on the Tappan Zee Bridge, it seems, are far from guaranteed. After canceling all transit planning along the corridor, the Cuomo administration has consistently done everything in its power to avoid giving Hudson Valley commuters the transit system they are demanding: inflating the price tag of […]