Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Taxis & Limos


Uber’s Latest Feature Reinvents the Wheels on the Bus

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Uber is rolling out a new feature that will encourage people who use its shared-ride service in New York to walk to the nearest intersection, instead of getting picked up at their door. The company hopes that by avoiding looping through congested Manhattan to pick up and drop off multiple people, it will make trips faster and easier -- but Uber is trying to solve a problem that buses solved generations ago.
Photo: Foo Conner/Flickr

How to Avoid Self-Driving Carmageddon

Driverless cars may not be ready for city streets in the immediate future, but some of the world's biggest companies are betting on them. Cities will be better off if mayors band together instead of negotiating solo with each corporation, says Zipcar founder Robin Chase. If they don't play their hand well, she warns, the introduction of autonomous vehicles will lead to more pollution, more congestion, and more demand for parking.