Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about SUVs

Big Car, Small… Ego.

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Slate’s Seth Stevenson asks a GM spokesperson to help him understand the new Hummer ad campaign: The spot aims to make the H3 a more "approachable vehicle that will appeal to introverts, extroverts, vegans, and carnivores." She’s right that we wouldn’t expect a tofu eater to buy a Hummer. But at the same time, the […]

Pseudo-Environmental Hummers

A lone Hummer driver with a conscience? At first glance, it seems so. But this is actually becoming something of a trend: Everyone who is pitching an alternative fuel these days is using a Hummer to make his or her point. And the reason is obvious. Everyone knows that Hummers are the most gas guzzing private vehicles on […]

Or You Might Call it Attempted Homicide

Apparently, we have come to accept the destructiveness and sociopathy of American car culture as so thoroughly normal and mundane that even when a guy intentionally uses his SUV to try to kill five people after a fight, we still call it an "accident." This little gem was found by Starts & Fits in today’s […]