Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about PlaNYC

PlaNYC 2.0 Reactions: Rachel Weinberger, UPenn Professor

Streetsblog has been gathering responses to last week’s release of PlaNYC 2.0. This is the fourth installment. Read the first, second, and third parts. In a phone interview with Streetsblog yesterday, Rachel Weinberger, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and an architect of the transportation section of PlaNYC 1.0, gave us her take on the update of […]

PlaNYC 2.0 Reactions: Kate Slevin, Tri-State Transportation Campaign

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Streetsblog has been gathering responses to yesterday’s release of PlaNYC 2.0. This is the third installment. Read the first and second parts. In a phone interview yesterday afternoon, Kate Slevin, executive director of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, shared her first impressions of the city’s revised sustainability plan… On the diminished prominence of transportation compared to […]

PlaNYC 2.0 Reactions: Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives

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Streetsblog has been calling around to transportation advocates and experts, gathering reactions to yesterday’s release of the first major update to PlaNYC 2030 since the citywide sustainability initiative was launched four years ago. Here’s our first installment, with Transportation Alternatives director Paul Steely — we’ll be posting more reactions later this afternoon. White told us […]