Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Park(ing) Day

Weekend Fun: Park(ing) Day Redux, Tour de Bronx

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The weather should be ideal for two livable streets events set for this weekend. Tomorrow from noon to 6 p.m., Park(ing) Day Redux will recreate several of the "most inspired" spots from this year’s event for a block party in front of Eyebeam Art + Technology Center on 21st Street between 10th and 11th Avenue. […]

Countdown to Park(ing) Day 2008

On September 19, New Yorkers will stake their claim to some of the city's most valuable, yet cheapest, real estate in celebration of Park(ing) Day. For the uninitiated, Park(ing) Day entails the reclamation of public space by setting up temporary parks in on-street parking spots.

Streetfilms: (Park)ing Day, en Español!

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Streetfilms is celebrating its first-ever foreign language translation with this video, of last year’s (Park)ing Day, subtitled in Spanish. Clarence Eckerson says to expect three more Spanish subtitled vids to be posted in the coming weeks. And speaking of (Park)ing Day, the 2008 event is just a couple of weeks away. Volunteer or reserve your […]

Want a Park(ing) Day Spot? 50 Spaces Now Available.

Mark September 19 on your calendars. That’s when Park(ing) Day returns to New York. Last year, neighborhood groups all over the city got into the street reclamation groove, converting 25 parking spots into temporary parks. Park(ing) Day 2008 figures to be even more visible. Fifty spots will be set aside to show how public street […]