Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Oil


Retired Military Leaders, Corporate CEOs: Driving Alone Aids Terrorists

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What do the president of FedEx, the former Director of National Intelligence, and 19 other business and military leaders have in common? They’re urging the U.S. to adopt less oil-intensive transportation habits. They say our national security depends on it. Retired military officers have joined forces with business tycoons to form the Energy Security Leadership […]

Cartoon Tuesday: Little Green Man and the Lizard Squeezins

Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to see things clearly. So what would an extra-terrestrial think of humankind’s dependence on fossil fuels? In light of the devastation being unleashed off the shores of the Gulf states, cartoonist and recent Pulitzer recipient Mark Fiore files this brilliant summation of the absurdly self-destructive lengths we earthlings go […]

The Gas Needle and the Damage Done

NRDC’s depiction of how hard states are hit by gas costs, ranked by percentage of income spent. America’s oil addiction is readily acknowledged, even by its biggest enablers. But what is the nation actually doing to kick the habit and embrace a safer, healthier, more realistic energy future?  An attempt to answer that question was […]