Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Oil

Parochial Thinking Amid Ominous Signs

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The Committee to Keep NYC "Congestion Tax Free." Front row, left to right: John Corlett, Automobile Club of New York; Ray Irrera, Queens Chamber of Commerce; Council Member David Weprin; Lobbyist Walter McCaffrey; Joe Conley of Queens Community Board 2. Ominous warnings relating to energy consumption have come recently from people on both ends of the political spectrum. The free-marketeers at […]

Hydrogen: Not as Green as it Seems

BMW’s new hydrogen-powered luxury sedan is about as environmentally-friendly as a diesel truck. Spiegel reports: The new car caters to the pleasing fantasy of customers spoiled by high-horsepower engines: That they can conform to ecological standards without making any sacrifices, burning "clean" fuel to their heart’s content. Advertising images display the Hydrogen 7 against a backdrop […]

Richard Heinberg: Saudi Oil Supply May be Crashing

Richard Heinberg, whose latest book "The Oil Depletion Protocol" aims to help citizens and municipalities deal with the increasing likelihood of global energy supply disruptions, publishes an excellent monthly newsletter called "Muse Letter." The latest issue focuses mainly on the recent Israeli-Hezbollah conflict — not exactly within Streetsblog’s purview — but it also contains a potentially critical piece of news about global […]

The True Cost of Gasoline, and What to Do About Energy

The news media has been writing a lot about energy and oil addiction lately.  One particularly noteworthy package of reporting highlights the hidden problems of oil addiction. Another searches for ways it could be alleviated but misses the most critical one. The first is The Chicago Tribune’s enormously important four-part series by Pulitzer-winning reporter Paul Salopek […]

Bloomberg on Oil Dependence: Punditry or Policy?

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The Daily News reports that Mayor Bloomberg made his first public statements about U.S. oil dependency on his radio show last week: This constant dependence on oil is something that leaves this country vulnerable every day. Two reasons. One, what happens if it gets cut off overseas? We’re never going to have enough capacity domestically. […]